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     DW Host  is  a  specialized  host  communications  program   primarily
     intended to support operations at the  DOS level on the host.   It may
     be interfaced  with other  communications packages  to implement  more
     complex functions.   It is intended for operation with Doorway  (which
     allows nearly  any non-graphics  program to be run from remote).  File
     transfer  operations are  supported directly  from DOS by DWXFER as is
     mentioned  in  the  next  section.    Popular  applications of DW Host
     include  home-to-office  (and  vice  versa)  communications as well as
     operations  between  a  company  home  office  and  its  remote sites.
     Software configuration  and file  maintenance on  the DW Host-equipped
     host are frequent uses.  DW Host  is designed for operation on an  IBM
     PC, XT, AT, PS/2 or a close compatible connected to a Hayes-compatible
     modem or a US Robotics HST.

     The complete DW Host package includes the following files:

                DWHost.DOC   - this file
                DWHost.COM   - executable module
                DWHost.OVR   - DW Host "overlay" file
                CONFIG.HLP   - context-sensitive help file
                HOST.BAT     - optional controlling batch file

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson